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Create a table with pagination

Key concepts

  • useFhirSearch() will return a query that fetches data for a type of FHIR resource. It also accepts search parameters that can either be a function or a search parameters string.
  • <FhirTable /> a BonFHIR component that displays FHIR data in a table. Each column can be customized with built-in support for sorting and pagination.
  • useFhirSearchController(): setup and manage FHIR search functionality through a simple interface
  • <FhirPagination />: a BonFHIR component that controls FhirTable pagination via the search controller

Step by step

This guide builds off of the previous guide: Display FHIR data.

  1. Create a new React component called PatientReportsTable that receives a patient ID as a prop. Import this component in src/app/page.tsx and add the table component inside the page, passing in

    import { FC, ReactElement } from "react";

    type PatientReportsTableProps = {
    patientId: string;

    const PatientReportsTable: FC<PatientReportsTableProps> = ({
    }): ReactElement => {
    return (

    export default PatientReportsTable;
    <PatientReportsTable patientId={} />
  2. Create the search query with useFhirSearch for the "DiagnosticReport" resource type. BonFHIR has built-in type support for FHIR resource content, so the official HL7 FHIR documentation can be used to understand what search parameters are available.

    For this example, the search function will search for resources where the subject is a patient with the value of the patientId prop. The search function also indicates that the data should be sorted by property issued with - prefix to sort in reverse.

    const diagnosticReportsQuery = useFhirSearch("DiagnosticReport", (search) =>
  3. Inside a FhirQueryLoader, setup the FhirTable. The first parameter will be the expanded query. Each column of the table should be configured with:

    • key: the name of the resource property
    • title: the column header
    • render: a function that receives the individual resource and prepares the value. The FhirValue component can be used here to simplify formatting.

    In this example, we will display the Diagnostic Report code, date issued and status.

    <FhirQueryLoader query={diagnosticReportsQuery}>
    key: "code",
    title: "Test",
    render: (diagnosticReport) => (
    <FhirValue type="CodeableConcept" value={diagnosticReport.code} />
    key: "issued",
    title: "Date Issued",
    render: (diagnosticReport) => (
    <FhirValue type="date" value={diagnosticReport.issued} />
    key: "status",
    title: "Status",
    render: (diagnosticReport) => (
    <FhirValue type="string" value={diagnosticReport.status} />
  4. To add pagination, define a search controller with useFhirSearchController above the query. The search controller manages sorting and paginating FHIR resources. Initialize the search controller with the sort order for the corresponding resource type, as well as a page size.

    const searchController = useFhirSearchController<DiagnosticReportSortOrder>({
    pageSize: 5,

    Update the query search function with _count(searchController.pageSize) and _total("accurate") to indicate how many resources to retrieve and the total number of resources that are available. Finally, include a third argument the searchController.pageUrl, which is how the query knows which page of resources to fetch.

    const diagnosticReportsQuery = useFhirSearch(
    (search) =>
  5. Connect the search controller to the FhirTable by including it as a prop.


    Insert the FhirPagination component below the table.

    <FhirPagination {...diagnosticReportsQuery} {...searchController} />

Final result

Here is the output of this example with a paginated table of Diagnostic Reports for the patient!


import { DiagnosticReportSortOrder } from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";
import { useFhirSearch } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import {
} from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { FC, ReactElement } from "react";

type PatientReportsTableProps = {
patientId: string;

const PatientReportsTable: FC<PatientReportsTableProps> = ({
}): ReactElement => {
const searchController = useFhirSearchController<DiagnosticReportSortOrder>({
pageSize: 5,

const diagnosticReportsQuery = useFhirSearch(
(search) =>

return (
<FhirQueryLoader query={diagnosticReportsQuery}>
key: "code",
title: "Test",
render: (diagnosticReport) => (
<FhirValue type="CodeableConcept" value={diagnosticReport.code} />
key: "issued",
title: "Date Issued",
render: (diagnosticReport) => (
<FhirValue type="date" value={diagnosticReport.issued} />
key: "status",
title: "Status",
render: (diagnosticReport) => (
<FhirValue type="string" value={diagnosticReport.status} />
<FhirPagination {...diagnosticReportsQuery} {...searchController} />

export default PatientReportsTable;
"use client";
import { useFhirRead } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { FhirQueryLoader, FhirValue } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { Group, Paper, Stack, Text } from "@mantine/core";
import PatientReportsTable from "./PatientReportsTable";

export default function Home() {
const patientQuery = useFhirRead(

return (
<FhirQueryLoader query={patientQuery}>
{(patient) => (
<Paper p="xl">
<Paper shadow="xs" p="xl">
<Stack gap="sm">
<Text size="xl">
<FhirValue type="HumanName" value={} />
<Text fw={600}>Birthday: </Text>
<FhirValue type="date" value={patient.birthDate} />
<Text fw={600}>Address: </Text>
<FhirValue type="Address" value={patient.address} />
<Text fw={600}>Contact: </Text>
<FhirValue type="ContactPoint" value={patient.telecom} />
<br />
<PatientReportsTable patientId={} />