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Edit resources with FHIR forms

Let's learn how to create or edit FHIR resources through forms.

Key concepts

Step by step

Let's start by creating a new page and adapt navigation.

  1. Create a new page called src/app/patients/[patientId]/edit/page.tsx that expect a patient ID in the url:

    "use client";
    import { Title } from "@mantine/core";
    import { useParams } from "react-router-dom";

    export default function EditPatient() {
    const { patientId } = useParams<{ patientId: string }>();

    return <Title order={3}>Edit Patient {patientId}</Title>;

    This page does not do much at the moment, but it will be used to validate the navigation.

  2. Add a link to navigate to this page from the home page:

    import { Button } from "@mantine/core";
    import Link from "next/link";

    <Button component={Link} href={`/patients/${}/edit`}>

    When clicking on the "Edit" button now, we can see that we navigate to our new page!

  3. Edit the src/app/patients/[patientId]/edit/page.tsx page to create a form to edit the patient birthDate:

    "use client";
    import { useFhirResourceForm } from "@bonfhir/mantine/r4b";
    import { FhirInput } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
    import { Button, Group, Paper, Stack, Title } from "@mantine/core";
    import { useParams, useRouter } from "next/navigation";

    export default function EditPatient() {
    const { patientId } = useParams<{ patientId: string }>();
    const router = useRouter();

    const form = useFhirResourceForm({
    id: patientId,
    type: "Patient",
    mutationOptions: {
    onError(error) {
    alert(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
    onSuccess() {

    return (
    <Paper p="xl">
    <form onSubmit={form.onSubmit}>
    <Title order={3}>Edit Patient {form.form.values?.id}</Title>
    <Group w={300}>
    <Button type="submit">Save</Button>
    onClick={() => router.back()}

    Here you can see a couple of constructs:

    • useFhirResourceForm is a hook that manages the complete life-cycle of retrieving a FHIR resource and submitting it for change or creation; you just have to specify the resource type and id, or new for id to create a new resource; the resulting variable can be spread out to the form's input to apply the forms binding; this follows the mode of operation of Mantine's useForm hook IF you need more control over the loading and submission of forms, there is an alternative useFhirForm hook that only handle form control, without interaction with the FHIR API
    • <FhirInput> as a mirror to <FhirValue> to create inputs for FHIR data types - in this case date
    • hook-up navigation on cancellation or success of the submission; for now we simply go back to the previous page

    Simply update the birth date of the patient, and observe the resource being updated back in the home page.

    Patient form with birthDate

    Notice how we did not need to do anything to refresh the data in the home page; the @bonfhir/query package takes care of cache invalidation and refresh for us.

    FHIR validation error on synthea resources

    You may get a validation error if you use a patient from the synthea import (loaded using the npm run add-sample-data command).
    Some of these resources have invalid data schemas that might failed when they are updated.

    If this is the case, either pick a different patient, manually edit the patient in Medplum and remove the extensions, or you can simply strip their extensions by applying a transformation to the data prior to it being submitted:

    const form = useFhirResourceForm({
    id: patientId,
    type: "Patient",
    formOptions: {
    transformValues(patient) {
    // This remove the extension field from the patient object
    const { extension, } = patient;
    return rest;
    mutationOptions: {
    onError(error) {
    alert(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
    onSuccess() {
  4. Add another input to manipulate patient names:

    <Group w="50%">
    {...form.getArrayInputProps(`name`, { newValue: {} })}
    {({ index }) => (

    Notice the usage of <FhirInputArray> in conjunction with form.getArrayInputProps to handle repeating elements in a FHIR resource.

    Patient form with names

Works in creation too

If you navigate to this page using new for the patientId value (http://localhost:3000/patients/new/edit), you will be presented with a form that can create a new patient. Go ahead and try it!
Then head over to http://localhost:8100/Patient to see your newly created patient!

Final result

"use client";
import { useFhirRead } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { FhirQueryLoader, FhirValue } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { Button, Group, Paper, Stack, Text } from "@mantine/core";
import Link from "next/link";
import PatientReportsTable from "./PatientReportsTable";

export default function Home() {
const patientQuery = useFhirRead(

return (
<FhirQueryLoader query={patientQuery}>
{(patient) => (
<Paper p="xl">
<Paper shadow="xs" p="xl">
<Stack gap="sm">
<Text size="xl">
<FhirValue type="HumanName" value={} />
<Text fw={600}>Birthday: </Text>
<FhirValue type="date" value={patient.birthDate} />
<Text fw={600}>Address: </Text>
<FhirValue type="Address" value={patient.address} />
<Text fw={600}>Contact: </Text>
<FhirValue type="ContactPoint" value={patient.telecom} />
<Button component={Link} href={`/patients/${}/edit`}>
<br />
<PatientReportsTable patientId={} />
"use client";
import { useFhirResourceForm } from "@bonfhir/mantine/r4b";
import { FhirInput, FhirInputArray } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { Button, Group, Paper, Stack, Title } from "@mantine/core";
import { useParams, useRouter } from "next/navigation";

export default function EditPatient() {
const { patientId } = useParams<{ patientId: string }>();
const router = useRouter();

const form = useFhirResourceForm({
id: patientId,
type: "Patient",
mutationOptions: {
onError(error) {
alert(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
onSuccess() {

return (
<Paper p="xl">
<form onSubmit={form.onSubmit}>
<Title order={3}>Edit Patient {form.form.values?.id}</Title>
<Group w="50%">
{...form.getArrayInputProps(`name`, { newValue: {} })}
{({ index }) => (
<Group w={300}>
<Button type="submit">Save</Button>
<Button variant="subtle" color="red" onClick={() => router.back()}>

Bonus points

It is always nice to notify users of the success of an operation.
We can use Mantine Notification system for that.

  1. Stop the dev server (Ctrl+C) and add the package:

    npm install @mantine/notifications
  2. Add the CSS and provider in the src/app/layout.tsx file:

    import "@mantine/notifications/styles.css";
    import { Notifications } from '@mantine/notifications';

    export default function RootLayout({ children }: PropsWithChildren) {
    return (
    <MantineProvider theme={theme}>
    <Notifications />
  3. Hook up to the mutation success to inform the user:

    import { notifications } from "@mantine/notifications";

    export default function EditPatient() {
    const { patientId } = useParams<{ patientId: string }>();
    const router = useRouter();
    const { formatter } = useFhirUIContext();

    const form = useFhirResourceForm({
    id: patientId,
    type: "Patient",
    mutationOptions: {
    onError(error) {
    alert(JSON.stringify(error, null, 2));
    onSuccess(patient) {{
    message: `Saved patient ${formatter.format(
    { max: 1 },
    color: "green",