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This hook is similar to the useFhirSearch one, except that it retrieves all the result pages before returning all the results as a consolidated serach navigator.

Use with caution

Use this with precaution. Make sure to only use it when the expected number of result is finite, and choose the _count parameter size wizely to limit the number of fetch that needs to happen.

Most of the time there is a better way to achieve a feature, through referenced resources or graph operations for example.

Basic usage

import { asError } from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";
import { useFhirSearchAllPages } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { FhirValue } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { List } from "@mantine/core";

export default function MyComponent() {
const allObservationsLinkedToAnEnounterQuery = useFhirSearchAllPages(
(search) =>
// Prefer using a large number here to minimize round trips to the server

if (allObservationsLinkedToAnEnounterQuery.isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

if (allObservationsLinkedToAnEnounterQuery.isError) {
return (

return (
.map((observation) => (
<List.Item key={}>
<FhirValue type="CodeableConcept" value={observation.code} />

With the <FhirQueryLoader />

import { useFhirSearchAllPages } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { FhirQueryLoader, FhirValue } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { List } from "@mantine/core";

export default function MyComponent() {
const allObservationsLinkedToAnEnounterQuery = useFhirSearchAllPages(
(search) =>
// Prefer using a large number here to minimize round trips to the server

return (
<FhirQueryLoader query={allObservationsLinkedToAnEnounterQuery}>
{(result) => (
{result.searchMatch().map((observation) => (
<List.Item key={}>
<FhirValue type="CodeableConcept" value={observation.code} />

With options

import { DEFAULT_FHIR_CLIENT, useFhirSearchAllPages } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";

export default function MyComponent() {
const allObservationsLinkedToAnEnounterQuery = useFhirSearchAllPages(
(search) =>
// Prefer using a large number here to minimize round trips to the server
// The name of the FhirClient to use

// React query options
query: {
