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Return a Query for a read request.

Basic usage

import { asError } from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";
import { useFhirRead } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { FhirValue } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";

export default function MyComponent() {
const patientQuery = useFhirRead(

if (patientQuery.isLoading) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;

if (patientQuery.isError) {
return <div>{asError(patientQuery.error)?.message}</div>;

return <FhirValue type="HumanName" value={} />;

With <FhirQueryLoader />

import { useFhirRead } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { FhirQueryLoader, FhirValue } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";

export default function MyComponent() {
const patientQuery = useFhirRead(

return (
<FhirQueryLoader query={patientQuery}>
{(patient) => <FhirValue type="HumanName" value={} />}

With options

import { DEFAULT_FHIR_CLIENT, useFhirRead } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";

export default function MyComponent() {
const patientQuery = useFhirRead(
// FHIR API options - matches the `FhirClient` options
fhir: {
_summary: "true",

// The name of the FhirClient to use

// React query options
query: {


The useFhirRead hook errors out on not found - same behavior as the

If you are not sure about the existence of the resource, you might want to use useFhirSearch instead.