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Install the packages

npm install @bonfhir/query @tanstack/react-query@^5 @tanstack/react-query-devtools@^5

If you are using one of our project templates, you don't need to install anything as the packages are already included and configured.

Add the <FhirQueryProvider />

Once the packages are installed and the underlying tookit is configured, you know need to configure the <FhirQueryProvider />.

Wrap you application with the <FhirQueryProvider />, and pass an instance of a FhirClient:

import { FhirQueryProvider } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";

// Create a FHIR Client to connect to a server
const client = new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

function Root() {

return (
<FhirQueryProvider fhirClient={client}>
<App />

Use multiple FhirClient

It is possible to configure the library to use multiple FHIR clients if you need to communicate with different FHIR servers:

import { DEFAULT_FHIR_CLIENT, FhirQueryProvider } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";

// Create a FHIR Client to connect to a server
const mainClient = new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

// Create another client to connect to a different terminology server for example
const terminologyClient = new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

function Root() {

return (
terminology: terminologyClient,
<App />

In this case, clients are indexed with a name (in this case, DEFAULT_FHIR_CLIENT and "terminology").
The hooks use the "default" client when no option is provided, or use the name provided as part of their fhirClient argument:

const patientQuery = useFhirRead("Patient", "123", {
fhirClient: "terminology",

It uses the same React Query cache, but treats invalidation as separate domains.

Configure React Query

It is possible to configure the underlying React Query by either providing configuration options, or a pre-configured instance:

import { FhirQueryProvider } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";

// Create a FHIR Client to connect to a server
const client = new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

function Root() {

return (
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
<App />
import { FhirQueryProvider } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";

// Create a FHIR Client to connect to a server
const client = new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

const queryClient = new QueryClient();

function Root() {

return (
<FhirQueryProvider fhirClient={client} queryClient={queryClient}>
<App />

Get the context and the query client

If you need to access the FhirClient or QueryClient, you can use the useFhirQueryContext and useFhirClientQueryContext hooks:

// Returns all configured FhirClient and the QueryClient
const { fhirClient, queryClient } = useFhirQueryContext();

// Return a specific FhirClient by its name configured in the provider, or throw an error if not found
const { fhirClient, queryClient } =

Disable cache management

One of the benefits of using the @bonfhir/query library is the automatic cache management that is provided.
If for any reason you want to disable default cache strategies and manage cache invalidation yourself, use the manageCache option:

import { FhirQueryProvider } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";

// Create a FHIR Client to connect to a server
const client = new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

function Root() {

return (
<FhirQueryProvider fhirClient={client} manageCache={false}>
<App />

You will then need to handle cache invalidation yourself. You may want to leverage the FhirQueryKeys helper to get the correct cache keys used in the hooks:

// Get the queryKey managed by the read hook
const queryKeyForPatientRead =

// Invalidate all queries that have a relationship with Patient/123.