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Setup GraphQL in a bonFHIR project

This guide will walk you through adding support for typesafe GraphQL in a bonFHIR project.


Although it is possible to use GraphQL in a bonFHIR project without any particular setup, we recommend that you go through the steps described here as it will provide type safety and even type completion which will greatly enhance the developer experience.

It is based on the GraphQL Code Generator installation guide.

It assumes that you already have a functionning bonFHIR application, and a FHIR Server that supports GraphQL.
If you don't have one, you can start with one of our project templates by running:

npm create -y bonfhir@latest

Install the GraphQL Code Generator

At the root of the project, start by installing the right packages:

npm install graphql
npm install -D @graphql-codegen/cli @parcel/watcher

Then, run the initialization wizard

npx graphql-code-generator init

Select the following options:

  • What type of application are you building? Application built with React
  • Where is your schema?: (path or url) [location of your FHIR Server schema] - use "http://localhost:8103/fhir/R4/$graphql" if you are using the provided FHIR local development server
  • Where are your operations and fragments?: **src/**/\*.tsx**
  • Where to write the output: src/gql/
  • Do you want to generate an introspection file? Yes
  • How to name the config file? codegen.ts
  • What script in package.json should run the codegen? codegen

Then install the configured plugins:

npm install

Configure the GraphQL Code Generator

Open the codegen.ts file - it should look like this:

import type { CodegenConfig } from "@graphql-codegen/cli";

const config: CodegenConfig = {
overwrite: true,
schema: "http://localhost:8103/fhir/R4/$graphql",
documents: "src/**/*.tsx",
generates: {
"src/gql/": {
preset: "client",
plugins: [],
"./graphql.schema.json": {
plugins: ["introspection"],

export default config;

There are a few things that you may need to fix:

  1. Ensure that your FHIR Server is running nad the introspection endpoint is available
    (run the npm fhir:start-server command in a project created from a bonFHIR template)

  2. Your FHIR Server introspection endpoint may need authentication information; this is the case for our provided FHIR local development server
    If this is the case you can add the authentication info like so:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from "@graphql-codegen/cli";

    const config: CodegenConfig = {
    overwrite: true,
    schema: {
    "http://localhost:8103/fhir/R4/$graphql": {
    headers: {
    "Basic ZjU0MzcwZGUtZWFmMy00ZDgxLWExN2UtMjQ4NjBmNjY3OTEyOjc1ZDhlN2QwNmJmOTI4MzkyNmM1MWQ1ZjQ2MTI5NWNjZjBiNjkxMjhlOTgzYjZlY2RkNWE5YzA3NTA2ODk1ZGU=",
    documents: "src/*_/_.tsx",
    generates: {
    "src/gql/": {
    preset: "client",
    plugins: [],
    "./graphql.schema.json": {
    plugins: ["introspection"],

    export default config;
  3. Ignore errors when there is no documents (ignoreNoDocuments: true):

    import type { CodegenConfig } from "@graphql-codegen/cli";

    const config: CodegenConfig = {
    overwrite: true,
    schema: {
    "http://localhost:8103/fhir/R4/$graphql": {
    headers: {
    "Basic ZjU0MzcwZGUtZWFmMy00ZDgxLWExN2UtMjQ4NjBmNjY3OTEyOjc1ZDhlN2QwNmJmOTI4MzkyNmM1MWQ1ZjQ2MTI5NWNjZjBiNjkxMjhlOTgzYjZlY2RkNWE5YzA3NTA2ODk1ZGU=",
    documents: "src/*_/_.tsx",
    generates: {
    "src/gql/": {
    preset: "client",
    plugins: [],
    "./graphql.schema.json": {
    plugins: ["introspection"],
    ignoreNoDocuments: true,

    export default config;
  4. Run the codegen script

    npm run codegen

    This should create a file named graphql.schema.json at the root of the project; it is a dump of the GraphQL introspection endpoint.
    It also create a directory named ./src/gql that we will use later.

  5. Use the local introspection file instead of the online one
    You can keep using the server introspection point, but we do recommend that you switch to the one you just generated as it make life easier for everyone (including other developers and CI servers); this way they don't need a locally running FHIR Server to run GraphQL codegen tasks:

    import type { CodegenConfig } from "@graphql-codegen/cli";

    const config: CodegenConfig = {
    overwrite: true,
    // schema: {
    // "http://localhost:8103/fhir/R4/$graphql": {
    // headers: {
    // Authorization:
    // "Basic ZjU0MzcwZGUtZWFmMy00ZDgxLWExN2UtMjQ4NjBmNjY3OTEyOjc1ZDhlN2QwNmJmOTI4MzkyNmM1MWQ1ZjQ2MTI5NWNjZjBiNjkxMjhlOTgzYjZlY2RkNWE5YzA3NTA2ODk1ZGU=",
    // },
    // },
    // },
    schema: "./graphql.schema.json",
    documents: "src/**/*.tsx",
    generates: {
    "src/gql/": {
    preset: "client",
    plugins: [],
    // "./graphql.schema.json": {
    // plugins: ["introspection"],
    // },
    ignoreNoDocuments: true,

    export default config;

Configure typescript language server to auto-complete the GraphQL schema

This step is optional but greatly recommended - it will provide type suggestions / completions inside your GraphQL queries, making them much easier to write!


There are others plugins or extensions available for this - you may prefer using your own technique for this part.

  1. Install the LSP

    npm install -D @0no-co/graphqlsp
  2. Update the tsconfig.json file with the right options:

    "compilerOptions": {
    "plugins": [
    "name": "@0no-co/graphqlsp",
    "schema": "./graphql.schema.json",
    "template": "graphql",
    "templateIsCallExpression": true
  3. If using Visual Studio Code, make sure to use the project typescript
    Add (or edit) a file named .vscode/settings.json with the following options:

    "typescript.tsdk": "node_modules/typescript/lib",
    "typescript.enablePromptUseWorkspaceTsdk": true

    Immediately after saving this file, you should get prompt asking you to use the workspace typescript - answer Allow

Write your first GraphQL query

Let's write our first GraphQL query!

  1. In a component file in your project (or a new file), type the following code:

    import { useFhirGraphQL } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
    import { graphql } from "./gql"; // The `./src/gql` directory created earlier

    function MyComponent() {
    const patientsQuery = useFhirGraphQL(
    query PatientsQuery {
    PatientList {
    name {

    You should notice 2 things:

    • you have type completion support for your GraphQL query
    • typescript reports a type error on the graphql call saying it can't find the appropriate type
  2. Run the codegen script again

    npm run codegen

    You'll notice that the typescript error has disappeared - your GraphQL query is now fully typed!

  3. Continue developping and enjoy a typed GraphQL experience!

    import { useFhirGraphQL } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
    import { graphql } from "./gql"; // The `./src/gql` directory created earlier

    function MyComponent() {
    const patientsQuery = useFhirGraphQL(
    query PatientsQuery {
    PatientList {
    name {

    return (
    { => (
    <List.Item key={patient?.id}>
    <FhirValue type="HumanName" value={patient?.name} />

    You will need to run the codegen script everytime you change a GraphQL query.
    It can be run in watch mode by running this:

    npm run codegen -- --watch