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Return a Mutation with access to the raw FhirClient.

This is useful when you have a series of operations to execute as part of a single mutation, or if the other mutation hooks won't allow you to do what you want.
You should always prefer to use a more precise hook.


By default, this mutation will invalidate the entire query cache, unless you use the doNotInvalidateAllQueries option

Basic usage

import { Organization, build } from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";
import { useFhirClientMutation } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";
import { Button } from "@mantine/core";

export default function MyComponent() {
// The type here is the awaited return type of the `mutate` method below
const clientMutation = useFhirClientMutation<[Organization, boolean]>();

const execute = () => {
clientMutation.mutate(async (client) => {
return await client.createOr(
build("Organization", { name: "Acme, Inc" }),

return (
<Button loading={clientMutation.isPending} onClick={execute}>
Create organization if it does not already exist (by its name)

With options

import { DEFAULT_FHIR_CLIENT, useFhirClientMutation } from "@bonfhir/query/r4b";

export default function MyComponent() {
const clientMutation = useFhirClientMutation<[Organization, boolean]>({
// The name of the FhirClient to use

// Settings this to true will prevent the mutation from invalidating all queries
doNotInvalidateAllQueries: true,

// React query mutation options
mutation: {
onSuccess: ([org, wasCreated]) => {
if (wasCreated) {{
title: "Organization created",
message: `Created organization ${}`,
color: "green",
} else {{
title: "Organization already exists",
message: "Nothing to do here!",
color: "blue",
onError: (error) => {...}
// ...