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Misc helpers

bonFHIR ships with a lot of helpers function to help you manage and handle FHIR data.
They are listed here in no particular order:

// Check whether a reference is a reference to a specific resource type, and assert the type
const ref: Reference = { reference: "Organization/123" };
if (isReferenceOf(ref, "Organization")) {
//ref is typed as a Reference<Organization> from now on.

// Some utility types
asArray("foo"); // ["foo"]
asArray(["foo"]); // ["foo"]

asError("bar"); // Error: bar
asError(new Error("bar")); // Error: bar

uniqBy([{ name: "A" }, { name: "A" }, { name: "B" }], (x) =>; // [({ name: "A" }, { name: "B" })]

declare const listOfPatients: Patient[];
const patientsSortedByDateOfBirthOldestFirst = listOfPatients.sort(
const patientsSortedByDateOfBirthYoungestFirst = listOfPatients.sort(

urlSafeConcat("", "/Patient"); // ''
urlSafeConcat("", "/Patient"); // ''
urlSafeConcat("", "Patient"); // ''
urlSafeConcat("", "Patient"); // ''

// Recursively remove empty strings, null values in arrays, undefined, etc.
// Useful to convert a JS object to a valid FHIR type.
cleanFhirValues({ resourceType: "Patient", birthDate: "", name: [] }); // { resourceType: 'Patient' }

// Semantically compare 2 resources, ignoring the id, meta and text fields.
resourceType: "Patient",
id: "123",
name: [{ family: "Doe" }],
birthDate: "2020-01-01",
resourceType: "Patient",
id: "456",
name: [{ family: "Doe" }],
birthDate: "2020-01-01",
); // true

resourceType: "Patient",
id: "123",
name: [{ family: "Doe" }],
birthDate: "2020-01-01",
resourceType: "Patient",
id: "456",
name: [{ family: "Doe", given: ["John"] }],
birthDate: "2020-01-01",
); // false

// Check and return a strongly type resource
const result = asResource("Patient", { resourceType: "Patient" }); // result is typed as a Patient | undefined;
const result = asResource("Patient", { resourceType: "Practitioner" }); // undefined

// Find the references of a specific type
declare const patient: Patient;
const practitioner = findReference(patient.generalPractitioner, "Practitioner");
const practitioners = findReferences(

// Run the proper evaluation based on the correct Choice of Data type pattern
// See
const condition = build("Condition", {
subject: { reference: "Patient/123" },
onsetDateTime: "2020-01-01",
const result = choiceOfDataTypes(condition, "onset", {
dateTime: (value: string) => value + " as dateTime",
string: (value: string) => value + " as string",
period: (value: Period) => value + " as Period",
}); // '2020-01-01 as dateTime'