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Data Types Formatters

bonFHIR comes built-in with localized, configurable formatters for all FHIR Data Types. They can be used to present the information to users and saves a considerable amount of time when implementing FHIR solutions.

Formatter usage

import { build, Formatter } from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";

const patient = build("Patient", {
active: true,
name: [
{ given: ["John"], family: "Doe", use: "official" },
{ given: ["Johnny"], suffix: ["Jr."], use: "nickname" },
identifier: [
type: {
coding: [
system: "",
code: "SS",
display: "Social Security Number",
text: "Social Security Number",
system: "",
value: "99983604",
birthDate: "1950-02-05",
telecom: [
system: "email",
use: "work",
value: "",
system: "phone",
use: "mobile",
value: "+1 514-514-4123",
address: [
line: ["123 Main St."],
city: "Anytown",
state: "NY",
postalCode: "12345",
country: "US",
line: ["Place des Arts"],
city: "Montréal",
state: "QC",
postalCode: "H2X 1Y9",
country: "CA",

// Using the default formatter - this is localized using ambient settings
// This example assumes a en-US localization
const formatter = Formatter.default;

formatter.format("HumanName",; // 'John Doe and Johnny'
formatter.format("HumanName",, { max: 1 }); // 'John Doe'
formatter.format("HumanName",, {
max: 1,
useFilterOrder: ["nickname", "official"],
style: "full",
}); // 'Johnny Jr.'

formatter.format("date", patient.birthDate); // '2/5/1950'
formatter.format("date", patient.birthDate, { dateStyle: "full" }); // 'Sunday, February 5, 1950'
formatter.format("date", patient.birthDate, { dateStyle: "relative" }); // '74 years ago'

formatter.format("ContactPoint", patient.telecom); // ' and +1 514-514-4123'
formatter.format("ContactPoint", patient.telecom, { useFilterOrder: ["work"] }); // ''

// Address formatting is localized by country
formatter.format("Address", patient.address); // '123 Main St., Anytown, NY 12345 and Place des Arts, Montréal QC H2X 1Y9'
formatter.format("Address", patient.address, { max: 1, lineSeparator: "\n" }); // '123 Main St.\nAnytown, NY 12345'

// Notice how it recognizes the system as being an SSN and format the value accordingly
formatter.format("Identifier", patient.identifier); // 'SSN: 999-83-604'

formatter.format("boolean",; // 'yes'

// The decorator is available on all formatter types. It only applies when there is a value to format.
formatter.format("boolean",, { decorator: "Is active? {}" }); // Is active? yes

// The formatters also support formatting of choice data types.
// See
const condition1 = build("Condition", {
subject: { reference: "Patient/123" },
onsetDateTime: "2020-01-01",
const condition2 = build("Condition", {
subject: { reference: "Patient/123" },
onsetAge: duration.years(15),
formatter.format("choice", condition1, { prefix: "onset" }); // '1/1/2020'
formatter.format("choice", condition2, { prefix: "onset" }); // '15 yr'

// And many, many more options....

Customize the formatter instance

The Formatter instance can be customized for your own specific needs:

const formatter ={
locale: "fr-ca",
systemsLabels: {
"": "Numéro de sécurité sociale",

formatter.format("Identifier", patient.identifier, { pattern: "###/##/###" }); // 'Numéro de sécurité sociale: 999/83/604'

formatter.format("date", patient.birthDate, { dateStyle: "full" }); // 'dimanche 5 février 1950'

The message API

The formatter comes with a special API named message. It is a JavaScript Tag template function that can compose all the formatter capabilities into a single string:

// Same patient as above.

formatter.message`The patient names are ${[
]} and his birth date is ${["date", patient.birthDate]}`;
// The patient names are John Doe and Johnny and his birth date is 2/5/1950

The syntax for each tag is an array with:

  • the data type type - e.g. "date", "HumanName", "Quantity"...
  • the value itself
  • and optionaly the options associated with the data type formatter.


["date",, { dateStyle: "relative" }];
["HumanName",, { max: 1 }];

Tags are type safe, so you can rely on typescript completion to find out all the options. This can be used in conjunction with the decorator option to very easily composed long optional messages.


// Render patient information, with optional value support.
formatter.message`${["HumanName",, { max: 1 }]}${[
{ decorator: " (born {})" },
{ labels: { true: " active", false: " [No longer a patient]" } },
]}`; // John Doe (born 2/5/1950) active