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Create a new subscription

For this example we'll create a FHIR Subscription that ensure that an Encounter is created automatically when an Appointment has its status set to arrived.

The subscription handler

Create a new file src/subscriptions/arrived-appointments.ts and paste the following code:

import {
} from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";
import { FhirSubscription } from "@bonfhir/subscriptions/r4b";

export const arrivedAppointments: FhirSubscription<Appointment> = {
criteria: "Appointment?status=arrived",
reason: "Create encounters for arrived appointments",
endpoint: "arrived-appointments",
async handler({ fhirClient, resource: appointment, logger }) {
// This is just a precaution
if (!appointment || appointment.status !== "arrived") return;

// Check if the appointment already has an encounter associated
const existingEncounters = await"Encounter", (search) =>
if (existingEncounters.searchMatch().length > 0) return;

// Create the new encounter
// Note that we're using the build function from @bonfhir/core to create the encounter.
// We reference the appointment, and copy the appointment's subject and participants as well.
const newEncounter = build("Encounter", {
status: "arrived",
class: {
system: "",
code: "AMB",
display: "ambulatory",
appointment: [reference(appointment)],
subject: findReference( =>,
participant: appointment.participant
.filter((participant) =>
isReferenceOf(, "Practitioner"),
.map((participant) => ({
individual: as Reference<Practitioner>,
type: participant.type,

const result = await;

logger?.info("Created encounter", result);

Also, we need to update the src/subscriptions/index.ts file to add the new subscription to the Lambda handler:

// ...
import { arrivedAppointments } from "./arrived-appointments.js";

export const handler = fhirSubscriptionHandler({
// ...
subscriptions: [communicationRequests, arrivedAppointments],

Run the registration

Since we added a new subscription handler, we need to make sure it is registered properly. Assuming the AWS Local server is still running, run the following command in the project directory:

npm run register-subscriptions

You should see the following output in the AWS Local Server process:

POST /fhir/subscriptions/register (λ: subscriptions)
Registering subscriptions...
Subscription Create encounters for arrived appointments for Appointment?status=arrived on http://host.docker.internal:6000/fhir/subscriptions/arrived-appointments registered.
(λ: subscriptions) RequestId: b025100e-0b34-4e59-8fae-caad60046545 Duration: 139.96 ms Billed Duration: 140 ms

Test the subscription

Head over to Medplum and create a new appointment with the status arrived. You can even include participants!

Medplum Appointment

Then search for encounters and look at the last one updated - you should see the one that the subscription just created!

Medplum Encounter

Congratulation! You have now created your first subscription.