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npm install @bonfhir/next

You can host your Subscription handlers in a Next.js application, alongside the rest of the application.

This package can create a Next.js middleware that can:

  • register all the active subscriptions
  • execute the subscription handlers when receiving a notification from the FHIR server
  • validate the authenticity of the subscription invocation through a shared secret

We recommend that you initialize your next application using our official template - this way, it will come pre-configured properly. To get started, simply run the following command in your terminal:

npm create -y bonfhir@latest

And select the next template.

Create the Next.js middleware

Create a file named middleware.ts at the root of the project:

import { FetchFhirClient } from "@bonfhir/core/r4b";
import { fhirSubscriptions } from "@bonfhir/next/r4b/server";

// This is optional, but recommended.
// It allows the Next runtime to only execute the middleware on the subpath.
export const config = {
matcher: ["/api/fhir/subscriptions/:subscription*"],

// The name of the variable is important here - keep it as "middleware"
export const middleware = fhirSubscriptions({
// A function that gets invoke when the framework needs a FhirClient to connect to the FhirServer.
fhirClient: () =>
new FetchFhirClient({
// Refer to to understand how to properly initialize
// a FhirClient

// The public URL where the Next.js app is exposed.
baseUrl: process.env.VERCEL_URL
? `https://${process.env.VERCEL_URL}`
: process.env.APP_BASE_URL,

// The prefix that the middleware match for subscriptions
// Must match the config.match value above (minus the `:subscription*` part)
prefix: "/api/fhir/subscriptions",

// The shared secret that secures the invocations
webhookSecret: process.env.FHIR_SUBSCRIPTION_SECRET,

// The list of subscriptions to manage.
subscriptions: [],

Refer to this example on how to create a susbcription handler.

Invoke the registration of the subscriptions

Once your app is running, you will need to trigger the registration of the managed subscriptions in the FHIR server.

To do so, you'll need to create a HTTP request to the base URL like so:

curl -i --request POST <baseUrl>/<prefix>/register --header \"X-Subscription-Auth: <webhookSecret>\"

This will connect to the FHIR server using the configured FhirClient and create the proper FHIR Subscriptions.

Registration information

It is safe to call the registration multiple times as it will not duplicate the registrations, and will update the existing ones if some parameters change.
Uniqueness is based on the baseUrl, so if that parameter changes then whole new subscriptions will be created.

For safety reasons it does not remove subscriptions that are no longer active (or removed from the subscriptions array).
It is up to you to clean it up in the FHIR Server.

We recommend that you run the register command in your deployment pipeline as well, to ensure that your subscriptions are always registered properly.