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Custom renderers

You can create custom renderers if need be, to replace and/or augment bonFHIR-provided one.

Let's assume that you want to create custom renderer for <FhirValue />. This renderer should:

  • only rendere the values as string without any other component
  • allows appending "(preliminary)" to any information displayed on screen

We'll first create the custom renderer, and configure the app to use it.

Create your custom renderer

Create a new component named custom-fhir-value.tsx using the following content:

import { FhirValueRendererProps } from "@bonfhir/react/r5";
import { ReactElement } from "react";

export function CustomFhirValue(
props: FhirValueRendererProps<CustomFhirValueProps>,
): ReactElement | null {
return (
{props.rendererProps?.preliminary ? " (preliminary)" : ""}

export interface CustomFhirValueProps {
preliminary?: boolean;

A custom renderer is simply a React component that:

  • takes a prop of -RendererProps to match with the bonFHIR React component to render
  • define a new type for its own renderer props to use as additional capabilities
  • renders what needs to be done

Here you can note that the FhirValueProps and FhirValueRendererProps are slightly different - one is the public API when using the component, the other is the API that the renderer needs to support; most of the time, some complexity is already absorbed by the bonFHIR React component itself.

You can also use the useFhirUIContext hook to get access to the global ui context.

Create a new custom renderer

Create a new file named custom-renderer.ts:

import { MantineRenderer } from "@bonfhir/mantine/r4b";
import { FhirUIRenderer } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { CustomFhirValue } from "./custom-fhir-value";

// This re-uses all the Mantine renderer except for the one we just created.
export const CustomRenderer = {
FhirValue: CustomFhirValue,
} satisfies FhirUIRenderer;

// This one is if you want to have only your components.
export const CustomRenderer = {
FhirValue: CustomFhirValue,
} satisfies Partial<FhirUIRenderer>;

Configure the new renderer on the <FhirUIProvider />

import { FhirUIProvider } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";
import { CustomRenderer } from "./custom-renderer";

function Root() {

return (
<FhirUIProvider renderer={CustomRenderer}>
<App />

Optionaly, if you have configured typed renderer props, update the <FhirValue /> render props:

import type { CustomFhirValueProps } from "./custom-fhir-value";
import { FhirPaginationProps, FhirValueProps } from "@bonfhir/react/r4b";

declare module "@bonfhir/react/r4b" {
export function FhirValue(
props: FhirValueProps<CustomFhirValueProps>,
): ReactElement | null;

Use the component as usual

value="Hello World"
rendererProps={{ preliminary: true }}
